Alpha 003 Release
After a lot of positive feedback on the 002 release, the 003 release is now ready. This release has greatly improved performance due to major changes in how Alchemy draws shapes to the screen.
Functionally and visually Alchemy is the same, but when drawing with complex or large numbers of shapes there is considerably less (if any) slow down in this release. Also new is the addition of colour and user assign-able keyboard shortcuts. Enjoy!
- Features
- Colour added – new colour picker in the tool bar
- Foreground / Background button in the tool bar lets you draw with the background colour
- Keyboard Shortcuts can now be assigned by the user
- Displace affect module added
- Changes
- Performance has been greatly improved when drawing with many shapes on the canvas
- Line smoothing can be turned on and off in the settings menu
- Help system has been changed to the FLOSS manual Alchemy.pdf file in the Alchemy folder
- Export menu can now create a PNG file as well as a PDF
- Bug Fixes
- Mirror module bug when using median shapes fixed
- Warning dialog when closing Alchemy now functions properly
- Trace Shapes now shows a warning dialog when a network connection fails
Posted Monday, March 24th, 2008